Sarah and Liam are two of the coolest and nicest people, its true! We met them a few months ago for their wedding consult at ours and chatted about all things wedding over a cuppa. We instantly hit it off and immediately started to get excited about their day. It was also the first time we have ever watched a spice girls music video to explain (from their side) the inspiration for their pre-wed shoot. Basically they wanted slow motion blurry lights, and we settled on Cardiff city lights and a winter wonderland theme 🙂
When we got there, there were huge signs saying no photography, so we settled for a few on the outside and went on a wander around the city centre. If theres one thing that makes taking photographs hard, no matter how good you are, is complete darkness! A few flashes and an iPhone torch later and we had an awesome time, it really challenged us to think different, or make use of available light be it from shop windows or flood lights. We loved it, they loved it, i hope you do too.
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