Isla was a little princess for her newborn shoot, and looks just adorable our pretty flowers headband and our favourite newborn hat – the bear hat. Check out the highlights from her session below 🙂

Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Isla Cudd newborn - Swansea & Cardiff newborn photographer_0008 Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea Newborn baby photographed at home in Swansea

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